For information regarding our projects contact Dr. Tamika La Salle-Finley at [email protected] or 404-413-8193.
View Our Projects
- Inclusive Skill-building Learning Approach (ISLA)
- DeKalb County School District Recruit-Train-Retain (DCSD-RTR)
- Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE)
- Advancing Equity in the Implementation of Comprehensive Behavioral Health Supports for Youth with or At Risk for Disabilities
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- Mentoring Research
The Inclusive Skill-building Learning Approach (ISLA)
DeKalb County School District Recruit-Train-Retain (DCSD-RTR)
Expanding Quality SBMH Services for Underserved Populations with Inclusive Practices (EQUIP)
- The RTR and EQUIP grants aim to provide inclusive and evidence-based mental health services for PreK-12 students in high-need schools through the implementation of a 3-prong initiative targeting recruitment, training, and school-based placement of diverse school psychologists in training from Georgia State University. Through partnerships with Atlanta metro area school districts, student recipients of this grant receive additional training in creating positive outcomes for students in high-needs districts in which they are intended to serve post-graduation.
For more information, contact Tamika La Salle-Finley, Ph.D.
Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE)
CARE is a professional development program that provides Kindergarten through Fifth-grade special education teachers with tools to integrate in their classroom and strategies to avoid burnout. There are monthly online workshops and three days of in-person professional development. Over 222 special education teachers are participating in this research study in the Atlanta, Georgia metropolitan area who are wanting to learn more skills for best practices in the classroom.
For more information, contact Andy Roach, Ph.D.
Advancing Equity in the Implementation of Comprehensive Behavioral Health Supports for Youth with or At Risk for Disabilities
This federally funded grant will support the development of a training and coaching intervention for teachers and staff that centers equity in the design and implementation of Tier-1 multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) for the social-emotional-behavioral health of students with disabilities.
For more information, contact Tamika La Salle-Finley, Ph.D.
For more information, contact Kristen Varjas, Ph.D.
Mentoring Research
Information coming soon.
- La Salle-Finley, T., Norman, G., & Adams, J. (2024). Considerations for Research Focused on Minoritized Students in School Psychology. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 39(4), 307-314. https://doi.org/10.1177/08295735241272540
- Adams, J., & Roach, A. (2023). School climate from the perspective of Black girls with and without disabilities: Preliminary findings from an intersectional examination of the impact of relationships. School Psychology Review, 1-16.
- McLendon, K. E., Roach, A. T., Wayne, A. P., & Wellons, Q. D. (2024). Supporting the Development of Academic Enablers in College Students with an Intellectual Disability. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability, 37(2).
- Beacham, C., Perkins, C., Roach, A. T., Barger, B., Donehower, C., & Baggett, K. M. (2023). Building future capacity of school psychologists to address the demand for inclusive evidence-based consultation: Moving beyond K-12 to include school readiness frameworks. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 7(2), 8.
- Stair, A. C., Roach, A. T., Graybill, E. C., Perkins, C. A., Barger, B., & Mason, E. C. (2024). School psychologists' perceptions, roles, and training regarding sexual health education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Psychology in the Schools. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.23229
- La Salle-Finley, T., Neves-McCain, J. R., Li, M. G., & Coleman, M. S. (2024). Examining ethnic identity, school climate, and academic futility among minoritized students. Journal of School Psychology, 104, 101285.
- Di Sano, S., Rocha Neves, J., Casale, G., Martinsone, B., Salle-Finley, L., & Tamika, P. (2024). Cross-cultural connections: School climate and equity in Germany, Italy, Latvia, and the United States. School Psychology, 39(2), 224
- Mampane, J., & Varjas, K. (2024). Lateral violence and its effects on the health of sexual minority pre-service teachers in township schools in South Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1-15.
- Phelps, C., Kim, E. K., & Jimerson, S. R. (2024). Promoting Safe and Supportive Schools: Contemporary Research Advancing Science, Practice, and Policy. School Psychology Review, 53(6), 607-618.
Contact Us
Executive Director
The Center for Research on School Climate
Atlanta, GA 30303